
Our eco-designed, tamper-proof envelopes

Conçues avec une matière première recyclée et recyclable issue de filières françaises de recyclage fiables, nous concevons et fabriquons ce produit en garantissant une fermeture adhésive infalsifiable et dont l’effraction est détectable au premier coup d’œil.

Discover our NOVASAFE© HANOVA polyethylene envelopes with high-security adhesive closure.

Designed using recycled and recyclable raw materials from reliable French recycling channels, we design and manufacture this product to guarantee a tamper-proof adhesive seal that can be detected at a glance.

Lightweight and strong, the NOVASAFE© envelope can be used to send valuables such as cheques, cash, exam papers, confidential documents, jewellery, etc. in total security.

Available in various customised formats, we also offer a personalised printing service and a range of options.

Find out more about our product options directly on our website:

Bar codes and numbering (to ensure traceability and tracking of shipments)
QR codes
Detachable receipts
Bottom gussets
Microperforation or ventilation holes
Personalised printing

The NOVASAFE© envelope is available in an opaque version to guarantee confidentiality or in a transparent version to keep the product visible.
