Paper straws, a false good idea for the environment and health

Paper straws are often presented as an environmentally-friendly alternative to plastic straws, which have been banned in the European Union since 3 July 2021. But are these straws really better for the environment and our health? Not so sure, according to a study conducted by Belgian researchers on 24 August 2023.
Paper straws contain PFAS, eternal pollutants
The researchers analysed 39 brands of straws made from five different materials: paper, bamboo, glass, stainless steel and plastic. They looked for the presence of 29 types of PFAS, synthetic chemicals used to make materials waterproof.
The results show that paper straws contain the most PFAS!
PFAS are persistent pollutants that do not break down easily in the environment. They accumulate in soil, water and living organisms.
Straws are not essential
The researchers conclude that paper straws are not a miracle solution for reducing the environmental impact of straws. They stress that the best option is not to use a straw at all, unless it is necessary for medical or comfort reasons.
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