
We are delighted to share some excellent news with you!

Notre entreprise HANOVA a récemment reçu une nouvelle fois un avis favorable concernant nos certifications ISO 9001, ISO 14001 et FSSC22000 !

Our company, HANOVA, has recently received yet another favourable opinion regarding our ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and FSSC22000 certifications!

These in-depth audits have confirmed that we comply with all international requirements and standards in an exemplary manner. This is the result of outstanding teamwork and an unwavering commitment to quality and operational management excellence.

We would like to thank every member of our staff for their contribution and dedication, and in particular the involvement of Chloé, our QHSE engineer!

This achievement reinforces our reputation and our positioning in the market. We are proud of this achievement and are more determined than ever to continue exceeding our customers’ expectations.